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Crystals to Help With Nausea

You probably know that healing crystals have a range of unique benefits. There is a crystal for anything! But did you know that crystals can help ease physical symptoms? 

Nausea is a common symptom of many health ailments. It may be caused by food poisoning, motion sickness, or migraines. Similarly, a range of illnesses causes vertigo, which makes you feel dizzy and out of balance. If you suffer from nausea and vertigo, it is crucial to go to your doctor to identify its cause. You may also wish to work with crystals when you feel sick.

The info provided in this post is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

If you suffer from nausea and vertigo, you may wish to work with crystals when you feel sick. Let’s look at crystals for nausea and vertigo and how you can use them to ease your physical symptoms. 


With its deep blue color, Sapphire is definitely one of the best crystals for nausea. In fact, it is even the most recommendable gemstone if your nausea is the symptom of motion sickness. Sapphire can be used to relieve stress and unwanted thoughts, which can appear when you are getting nauseated. If you feel like you are getting sick while traveling, grab your Sapphire and place it on your stomach. Another great benefit of Sapphire is that it regulates the digestive system. This means you can use it if your nausea is due to food poisoning or stomach infections.


When you’re anxious, the stress in the digestive system can cause nausea, stomachache, and vomiting. This is a pretty common issue and Unakite can help.

With its pretty green and pink colors, Unakite is very effective for nausea linked to stress and anxiety. Unakite also stimulates the heart chakra and balances emotions. It’s a great stone for everything linked to childbirth, pregnancy, and the female reproductive system. This means it can help alleviate nausea during early pregnancy. In fact, Unakite even encourages healthy pregnancies. You can also use Unakite for grounding and calming yourself. It’s a very versatile crystal that is perfect for healing.


A fantastic healing crystal for nausea and vertigo is Peridot. It is a variety of Olivine and is found in lava, meteorites, and the molten rock of Earth’s mantle. Peridot has been used for centuries for its healing qualities, as it is a potent cleanser of the body, mind, and spirit. Peridot works to rid your body of toxins and helps with the recovery from a range of illnesses. Because it also relieves stress and emotional pain, it eases nausea and sickness caused by emotional issues.


Another stone that provides grounding and centering, Hematite works to relieve the symptoms of vertigo. It cleanses your emotions and absorbs negative energy, providing you with the space to overcome nausea and sickness. Hematite also reduces stress and promotes stability. Linked to the Root Chakra, Hematite is perfect for relieving bouts of vertigo. If you feel uneasy and dizzy, hold your Hematite in your hands. Concentrate on the feel of the crystal. Visualize its energy flowing through you, down your body, and into the ground. 


Like antimonite is a potent stone that helps relieve nausea caused by stomach problems and digestive disturbances. In addition, it also provides relief from the gallbladder and pancreatic issues and disturbances that make you nauseous.

Ocean Jasper:

This potent stone works with problems of the gallbladder, liver, intestine, and pancreas that causes nausea. It helps in stimulating the affected organ, but it primarily helps prevent nausea that can be traced back to disturbances in liver functioning. Emotionally speaking, ocean jasper with its soothing vibrational energies of the water can help soothe stress, worries, unresolved conflicts, and anxiety that makes you nauseous.


Labradorite, the stone of transformation, can be a useful companion for those who often feel nauseous without knowing the reason why. This stone is especially powerful if you are getting sick from a bad diet. By enhancing mental clarity and facilitating the decision-making process, Labradorite can help you make better health choices.

Nausea caused by stress can appear during anxious or stressful situations. As a result of this, you will eat less, causing you to lose weight and consume fewer essential nutrients. This is where Labradorite can help. Labradorite relieves stress and tension. It awakens change within you and settles emotions. It encourages you to trust yourself and the universe.

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz is the master healer and can be used to heal any condition.

It’s a common crystal that is perfect for beginners. It strengthens the immune system and brings the body into balance. You can use it to treat nausea and vomiting caused by headaches, stomach infections, or even motion sickness. It’s a stabilizing crystal, and it can also assist with vertigo. Clear Quartz also aligns all chakras and purifies the body.

For this reason, It can be used to release pain and discomfort in the stomach quickly. You can rub the stone on your stomach to ease the pain.

Rainbow Moonstone:

Rainbow Moonstone is a soothing crystal that is often used during pregnancy.

Therefore it makes it the perfect crystal for relieving morning sickness. It also stimulates the digestive system and metabolism. This stone for new beginnings can decrease your chances of binge eating. It’s an ideal stone for the detoxification of the body. Another great benefit of Rainbow Moonstone is that it balances hormonal cycles. This is a great gemstone to use if your nausea is caused by PMS. Rainbow Moonstone can also be used during meditation as it calms the mind from chatter and overthinking. This means you will feel more relaxed and release emotional stress that could cause nausea.


This green stone with dark swirls that can be used to treat nausea. Malachite is a beautiful stone that can help to bring about inner strength. It can help to strengthen your immune system. This stone is ideal for those who suffer from intense nausea during their menstrual cycle. This is also a great stone for expectant mothers who are dealing with morning sickness. This crystal has a lot of good vibrations that can help to get rid of blockages and help with nausea. Not only does malachite do all of this, it actually helps to strengthen your willpower. This means it can help you stop eating foods that might be causing your nausea. 

Other crystals that help with nausea:

  • Citrine

  • Tiger’s Eye

  • Yellow Jasper

  • Black Tourmaline

  • Lapis Lazuli

  • Emerald

  • Rose Quartz

  • Red Jasper

  • Seraphinite

How to use these crystals to help clear nausea

You can use the crystals mentioned in this post to relieve stomach pains, from nausea to indigestion. Here are some of my favorite ways to use crystals for nausea:

Rub crystals on your belly

Massaging your body is an ancient practice and traditional remedy for well-being.

If you suffer from stomach pains, lie down and rub a crystal for nausea on your belly for 15-20 minutes. This could help out in curbing an upset stomach, nausea, and bloating.

Wear crystal jewelry

You can wear your crystals for nausea to relieve stress and tension that could make your stomach upset.

Peridot, Emerald, and Unakite are great gemstones to wear near your heart. You will benefit from their soothing vibes throughout the day. This will help relieve stress in the digestive system.

Meditate with your crystals

Meditation is a great way to relax. It can also help you get a new perspective on stressful situations. Place your crystals for nausea on your yoga mat before you start your practice.

You can also keep a crystal in your hand and try to focus on your intention. Don’t forget to cleanse your crystals before using them.

Drink crystal elixir

Crystal-infused water is a simple yet effective way of working with the healing energy of crystals and gemstones.

When pure water is infused with crystal vibrations, it is then charged with the healing properties of the stone and can be used to promote healing and wellness.

Crystal elixirs can help you ease stomach pains. If you suffer from indigestion or morning sickness, you can make crystal elixirs with Clear Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, or Rainbow Moonstone.


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