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Blog Posts

Inner Child Healing
Inner child work involves revisiting and nurturing the wounded aspects of one's past, often stemming from childhood experiences.

Shadow Work Journaling Prompts
Shadow work can feel like a bit of a vague term when you’re a beginner and sometimes knowing where to even begin in your journey can feel li

Shadow Work
Within each of us lies two parts of a whole: the person we want to be and some part of us that conflicts with that ideal version of ourself

Crystals for Self Love
Self Love is a Shortcut to Enlightenment, which is why understanding what self love truly means is extremely beneficial, it may sound...

Blocked Emotions (How to Process Emotions)
What are blocked emotions and how do they effect you? An emotional blockage is a defense mechanism of our ego that prevents us from...

Psychic Shield and Protection
Psychic attack is a fancy name for negative energy being focused on you with the conscious or subconscious intention to inflict harm upon...

Crystals For Nightmares
Nobody likes nightmares, that’s a well known fact. But just like dreams they can have a lot of meaning behind them. Whether your looking...

Crystals for Dark Night of the Soul
Dark night of the soul can look and feel like a few different things. The basic understanding is that when we go through spiritual...

Tarot 3 Card Spreads
Finally – a way to quickly and accurately answer my questions, with just three Tarot cards. A lot of people start off with tarot by just...

How to Use Tumbled Stones
Tumbled stones, otherwise known as polished crystals, are tiny rocks and mineral fragments that are formed by a rock tumbler to smooth...

How to Connect to your Spiritual Abilities
I first want to warn that if you have anxiety and depression, you should do shadow work first and foremost before trying to get...

In our world these days, everything moves so fast. We seem to be taking in more stress than we're able to hold or carry. Being grounded...

Moldavite is a high frequency green stone made from tektite. It falls under the category of glass, and was formed under a meteorite...

Crystals for Divine Masculine Energy
Divine Masculine energy is something we all possess, no matter what gender (or lack thereof) we are. Also known as yang, shiva, or solar...

Crystals for Divine Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is a universal frequency and the very essence of our spiritual existence. Often referred to as yin, shakti, or lunar,...

Jasper Stone: Everything you need to know
Jasper is one of those gemstones that everyone should know about. That being said, jasper stones come in a wide variety of colors and...

Crystals for Manifesting
Did you know that you can turn your wildest dreams into reality? We often tell children that they can do anything they want and to follow...

Crystals for Dream Recall
There are a bunch of good reasons to enhance your dream recall. Often we remember our dreams but forget them as soon as we get out of bed. T

Crystals That Help Dispel Fear
Fear can take many forms, from a simple worrisome thought to a full-fledged panic attack. Sometimes, something terrifies us so much that...

Crystals for Addictions
Many addictions have at their base an underlying sense of lack, of something missing from life. A lack of meaning, for instance. Or a...
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