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Kambaba Jasper


The name “Jasper” is a generic name given to any spotted stone as well as most semi-transparent or opaque Chalcedony.  Despite its name, Kambaba Jasper is not a true Jasper, but rather a Rhyolite.  Rhyolite is a type of extrusive igneous rock, formed on the surface of the earth by molten magma due to a volcanic eruption.  Kambaba Jasper belongs to a group of Rhyolites that are collectively known as Orbicular Jasper.  These are highly silicified Rhyolites in which minerals, typically Quartz and Feldspar, crystallize in thin needle-like crystals, that fan out in a circle to form spots.  Orbicular Jaspers can be a dull or brightly colorful depending on which minerals and trace inclusions are present.  In the case of Kambaba, most of the stone is the green mineral Aegirine, while the black spots are created from tiny needles of black Amphibole.

The name “Kambaba” is actually a popular misspelling of the original name, Kambamba Jasper.  Kambamba was based on the word “mamba”, the Malagasy word for crocodile.  This stone is also commonly sold as “Crocodile Jasper.”  Nile Crocodile is found in many freshwater rivers and swamps throughout Madagascar.  They can grow to a huge size, more than 16 feet long (almost 5 meters).

For many years, many mineral and healing crystal resources stated that Kambaba Jasper was a Stromatolite – a sedimentary rock with cyanobacteria fossils.  However, that has been proven false by EPI, a German geoscience consulting group, who were able to determine the exact mineral composition of the rock.  Kambaba Jasper has a similar mineral composition as Nebula Stone, a green and black Rhyolite found in Mexico.  A simple way to tell the difference is that  Kambaba Jasper is mostly green with black spots, while Nebula Stone is mostly black with green spots.


Despite the name, Kambaba Jasper is not a true Jasper.  It’s actually a Rhyolite, a type of igneous rock.  As an easy way to understand the difference, think of rocks as being like cookies and minerals as being the ingredients which make up those cookies. Many different minerals are used to create a rock!  Many Rhyolites have a high silica content which gives them a high shine when polished.  Some of the more colorful varieties are sold on the market, often labeled as a “Jasper.”   This is the case with Kambamba Jasper which is composed of variety of silicate minerals.

Kambaba Jasper is a type of extrusive igneous rock, formed on the surface of the earth by molten magma due to a volcanic eruption. There are five types of igneous rocks created by lava: Basalt, Obsidian, Rhyolite, Trachyte, and Andesite. Other types of igneous rocks, such as Granite, are created by processes deep within the earth. Rhyolite is a relatively rare volcanic rock, almost exclusively found in the interiors of continents. Most Rhyolites are porphyritic and contain large Quartz crystals or other varieties of crystals in an extremely fine-grained matrix. This indicates that these crystals were already being formed before the lava flowed onto the surface.

Kambaba Jasper Healing Properties:

Kambaba Jasper is a distinct splendid stone that harnesses the power which facilitates strong protection, spiritual growth, and inner peace thus, allowing the person to be assertive, take initiative and create his reality. This is highly beneficial to passive, submissive, and uninspired people.

Physical Healing Properties:

Kambaba Jasper bears a firm yet soothing earth energy that can boost, restore and improve physical body organs and their functions.

Respiratory System - Kambaba Jasper stone alleviates respiratory problems. It corrects oxygen malabsorption, difficulty in breathing, and congested lungs. Its soothing vibration promotes and encourages deep circular breathing that can help people to breathe properly. It can be highly beneficial to people enjoying a deep-sea diving adventure.

Ear Health - This stone bears a firm resonance that can improve hearing and prevents hearing loss.

Organs - Kambaba jasper strengthens the kidneys, liver, lungs, and gallbladder. Its powerful energy ensures good water retention in the body.

Neurological - This stone radiates a strong resonance that can improve brain neural pathways and neurotransmitters while preventing disorganization of the cerebellum. It has believed to help cure and alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Circulatory System - Kambaba Jasper has a soft vibration that aids in the proper distribution of blood throughout the body and prevents faulty oxygenation and oxygen malabsorption.

Detoxification - Kambaba jasper has a potent energy that purifies the kidney, liver, lungs, and gallbladder while improving its functions. Its energy aids in the proper filtration of toxins in the body.

Energy - This stone’s strong energy boosts vitality and improves endurance.

Reproduction - Kambaba jasper bears a nurturing energy that assists pregnancy.

Longevity - This stone promotes self-preservation and lengthens life expectancy by improving its immunity.

Protection - Kambaba jasper emits a powerful vibration that shields the person’s body from negative energy, harmful frequencies, and pollution. Its energy helps protect against viral infections.

Skin - This stone bears a potent energy that supports the skin’s functions.

Glands - Kambaba jasper has a soft energy that aids in strengthening the sweat glands and improves its maintenance of bodily fluids.

Circadian Rhythm - Kambaba stone aids in removing biological clock disturbances.

Cells - Kambaba stone emits a positive charge that boosts and restores the cellular blueprint while assisting in cellular growth.

Teeth - Kambaba stone strengthens the teeth and assists in growing wisdom teeth.

Karma - This stone has been said to believe can alleviate and cure karmic diseases and miasms.

Emotional Healing Properties:

Kambaba Jasper has a soft and nurturing energy that assists in improving and enhancing thoughts, moods, and feelings. kambaba jasper properties that aid in healing the emotional body.

Creativity - Kambaba Jasper promotes imagination and creative ideas. Its energy can assist the person in pursuing art, painting, multimedia creation, and design. This stone boosts visualization, imagining patterns and shapes, and then creating a tangible form of art out of artful ideas.

Nature - This stone addresses environmental issues. Its energy invokes awareness thus helping restorative nature and preventing people from obtaining exotic pets. 

Wisdom - Kambaba Jasper bears strong resonance that aids in learning new languages and improving investigative abilities such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

Patience - This stone emits a nurturing and mild energy that aids in enduring something without being upset and annoyed.

Insight - Kambaba Jasper has a strong energy that assists in the examination of the past and developing realization about oneself, others, and situations in the present.

Bravery - Kambaba jasper’s firm resonance promotes courage. Its energy aids the person to face any challenges and obstacles life may bring.

Self-Confidence - Kambaba jasper boosts confidence. Its energy assists in amplifying self-trust and self-belief in one’s ability, talent, and gifts.

Stress - Kambaba stone is very helpful for reducing stress and anxiety.

Anxiety - Kambaba jasper dissolves any pervasive negative thoughts doubts and worries.

Inner Peace - Kambaba stone holds a nurturing energy that promotes emotional healing. Its soft energy heals and clears any past emotional conflict which leaves the person acquiring inner peace.

Insomnia - Crocodile jasper has a calming energy that provides a pleasant sensation thus having a peaceful and deep sleep thus restoring and replenishing energy. This stone is used to help with ailments such as insomnia or chronic fatigue.

Balance - Kambaba jasper crystal aids in restoring emotional balance. This stone has a balancing ability governing yin and yang energies. Its energy helps bring balance and harmony to the body and mind.

Aura - This stone has healing properties that aid in shielding the person’s etheric body from negative energies and clearing out negative emotions. It also has a cleansing effect clearing the emotional subconscious, emotional upheaval, and emotional despair.

Acceptance - Kambaba Jasper has a soft energy that releases painful moments and clears any emotional baggage and painful memory thus moving on and living burden-free.

Relationships - Kambaba jasper encourages and improves healthy emotional relationships.

Enthusiasm - These healing crystals have positive energies that promote spiritual confidence and develop a positive outlook.

Stability - Kambaba stone is a nurturing and compassionate stone that is believed to help bring feelings of love and tranquility.

Metaphysical Healing Properties:

Widely known, powerful kambaba jasper metaphysical properties and supernatural abilities facilitate spiritual healing, spiritual growth, and development.

Spiritual Development - Kambaba jasper aids in expanding one’s understanding and awareness of spirituality and living in divine purpose. Its energy aids in soul searching.

Grounding - This stone harnesses great mother Gaia energy and helps in grounding kundalini into the physical body and then the physical body back to the planet thus boosting earth healing. Kambaba jasper aids in earth healing, amplifying the earth’s chakra, removing ungroundedness, preventing disconnection from the earth, and purifying toxic earth meridians.

Manifestation - Kambaba jasper bears a positive resonance that aids in attracting abundance in all shapes and forms such as fame, reputation, status, and prosperity.

Karma - This stone has powerful solid energy that clears any unhealthy repetitive pattern, uncovering karmic lessons thus realigning the karmic blueprint.

Energy - Kambaba Jasper aids in clearing the ancestral lines and realigning ancestral energy.

Balance - Kambaba jasper helps in maintaining the balance body with the etheric body and subtle physical body.

Protection - This stone bears a potent resonance that repels negative entities and dissolves negative thoughts. Its energy protects the person from psychic danger.

Spiritual Realms - Jasper stones assist in exploring the etheric realm thus acquiring information and knowledge that the person needs in everyday life.

Kambaba Jasper Chakras:

Kambaba jasper stones aid in boosting all the chakras and also promote chakra healing. It harnesses earth energy and highly resonates with the chakras.

Root Chakra

Connecting to the base chakra, kambaba jasper heightens the person’s feelings of being secured and supported. It enables solidifying the foundation of the person’s core needs and beliefs being able to live courageously in the present, chase their dreams and create their reality.

Heart Chakra

Kambaba Jasper resonating with heart chakra amplifies its healing properties and dissolves emotional pain and restores self-respect while boosting self-love and self-compassion.

Using Kambaba Jasper:


Kambaba Jasper is a Seeker Transformer crystal. Seekers contain a crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind in finding the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. They’re also crystals of the student and the researcher.

Transformer crystals enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook or relationships. By transforming ourselves we transform our lives. We learn to dance, speak a new language, grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child. Seeker crystals with the earth power of the Transformer are excellent talismans to aid our efforts to grow, develop new capabilities and change our lives.

Feng Shui

Kambaba Jasper utilizes Wood energy, the energy of growth, expansion, new beginnings, nourishment and health. It enhances vitality, brings abundance, and keeps us growing physically. Use green crystals to enhance any space used for eating, in the room of a small child, or in a place of your home where you are beginning a new project. Wood energy is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a home or room. It is associated with the Family and Health area, and the Prosperity and Abundance area.

Meditation and Grounding

Kambaba Jasper is a powerful tool in meditation and stillness. Its calm and soothing energy can help the person be in a relaxed state for a very long time ensuring longer exploration in the etheric realms. This stone assists in providing access to his past, helping to uncover karmic lessons and doing an examination of the karmic pattern thus acquiring the spiritual lesson.

In grounding, it highly resonates with mother Gaia which aids in earth healing and boosts the centering and anchoring of the person’s energy to the earth. It also enables the person to attract abundance.

Other Ways to use Kambaba Jasper:

  • Crystal Jewelry

  • Decorative objects

  • Gem elixir

  • Mineral show

  • Collector’s item

Clearing and Charging:

There are a few different ways you can charge kambaba jasper: By placing your kambaba jasper in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours can help to recharge its energy. Using sound frequency to cleanse and recharge your kambaba jasper by using singing bowls, bells, or other instruments to create a calming and harmonious vibration. By using a powerful purifying herb that can be used to cleanse and recharge crystals. Or holding your kambaba jasper in the smoke of a sage smudge stick to clear its energy. Using a powerful cleansing and charging crystal that can help to recharge other crystals. By placing your kambaba jasper on a selenite plate or in a selenite bowl to cleanse and recharge its energy. Or by burying kambaba jasper in the earth for a day or two to allow it to absorb the earth’s energy and recharge.

Full Moon

Cleansing your stones with the full moon is an excellent way to remove negativity. At twilight, place your crystals on a windowsill or a place where they will be able to absorb the light of the moon (and its vibrations). Remove the stone the following morning before the sun gets too high into the sky. You can also place several stones on a grid to charge with a specific intention.


If you have large stones or a number of crystals, using sound may allow you to charge all of them at once. You can use Tibetan bells, a singing bowl, or tuning forks to create a vibrational tone that will fill the stone and renew them again. Play the sound for about 10 minutes to charge your crystals.


Smudging your stones will immediately remove negative energies, so it is important to open a window for them to leave if you are cleansing your crystals indoors. Simply light either used bundled or loose sage with a match then blow out the flame to produce smoke. Wave the stone through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds to clear bad vibrations. Ensure you use a fire-safe bowl or plate for safety.

Crystal Charger

There are many tools that can help charge your crystals. Whether you use a pyramid, large selenite plates or bowls, or grids, you can enhance the powers of your stones as you charge them. As with other methods, you should set an intention when placing your stones on a crystal charger.


Returning your crystals to the earth can refill them with energy, renewing them. Dig a hole in the earth and place a plate in the soil. Cover the plate slightly, then place the stones on top. Bury the stones and mark the place on the surface where you know where to dig. A week later, carefully remove the topsoil and remove the stones. If you reach the plate, you know you have gone too far and you may have dug up the stone.


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