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Petrified Wood


The word “petrified” comes from the Greek petra meaning “rock.” Petrified Wood ranges in age from the Devonian era (390 million years ago) when the first woody plants appeared all the way to present age.  It takes only 100 years for Petrified Wood to form, with older and more colorful pieces commanding the highest prices.  Sometimes a single tree will become petrified, but whole forests can be created when an area is buried in ash by a volcanic explosion.  The color of the Petrified Wood depends on which minerals replace the organic wood.  Over 40 different minerals have been observed in these fossils, the most common being silica minerals like Chalcedony, Jasper, and Opal.

Any kind of tree can be fossilized, including both conifers and deciduous.  The most common type of Petrified Wood is from an extinct confer araucaria which is similar to the modern Monkey Puzzle Tree.  Another variety that is fairly common and easy to identify is Petrified Palm Wood.  These fossils usually come from the Cretaceous Era and the Oligocene Epoch (145.5 – 33 million years ago.) Petrified Palm Wood has spots and tapering lines, rather than the tree ring circles seen in other varieties.  The spots and lines are due to the rod like structure in the grain of the palm wood


According to legend, in the beginning days wood did not burn and so the people had to live in the cold and eat their food raw. One day the trickster god, Coyote, decided it was time for a change. He tied a torch to his tail and began to run all over the world, deliberately lighting forests on fire! All over the world, trees burst into flames. Because while they may have been immune to “normal fire,” this was “trickster fire,” a divine element far more potent and powerful! Coyote’s tail swung back and forth, touching trees as he ran. Not wanting to light the entire world on fire, he kept his tail from touching rocks. As a result of this wild run, trees are now flammable while rocks remain impervious to flames. Of course, Coyote missed a few trees along the way, and sometimes even whole forests. Since these ancient trees weren’t touched by divine fire, they remain fire-proof to this day.


Where Petrified Wood is Found

Fossils are found around the world, but large deposits are relatively rare.  Some of the best deposits are protected areas and the fossils remain in place. Petrified Wood most often comes from Madagascar and the United States.  There are other notable deposits in  Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Libya, Namibia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand.

Mining and Treatments

Most Fossils are mined from the primary deposit and typically in their original relationship with the host rock.   Fossils may be found on the surface of the earth or uncovered in any kind of mining environment. Except in the case of extremely valuable fossils, such as dinosaur bones, most fossils are mined as a secondary finds.  Petrified Wood is found in many locations, often occurring as entire forest, sometimes entire trees are found.  Many of these Petrified Forests are protected and it is illegal to remove the fossils. While fake fossils can be made, it is typically only worthwhile if the fossil is exceptionally valuable, such as a dinosaur.  Most common fossils such as Petrified Wood are fully natural, enhanced only by cutting and polishing.

Mineral Family

A fossil is the remnant or impression of an organism which lived in the past. Fossils come in many different forms and, depending on what is being preserved, the fossilization process can also be very different.  The three most common forms of fossils are unaltered preservation (most shells, fossil teeth, and organic material in Amber), mineral preservation (Petrified Wood and most dinosaur bones), and fossil impressions (leaf prints and footprints).

Unaltered preservation typically involves marine or lake dwelling invertebrates, such as Coral, mollusks, sponges, etc.  The organism is fossilized in an unaltered state, a process aided by the fact that the animals’ skeleton is calcareous (calcium carbonate) and can remain virtually unchained when fossilized.  Calcium carbonite is also the main chemical components of Aragonite and Calcite.

Mineral preservation by contrast involves calcareous water seeping into the remains and gradually replacing the organic matter with minerals.  The minerals may be a grey or tan color, just like the surrounding sedimentary rock.  But when a stone is “agatized” it may be quite colorful.  In the case of Petrified Wood, the organic matter is replaced on a cellular level, preserving incredibly detailed patterns.

Petrified Wood Formation and Crystal Associates

Fossils are remnants of organisms living in a past geological age. Most are preserved in fine-grained sedimentary rock such as limestone or shale.  Typically the soft parts of the organism decompose quickly and the hard parts, such as shells and bones, remain in place longer. Eventually the remains gradually turn into stone.

Petrified wood is the fossilized remains of ancient trees which flourished millions of years ago. Typically when a tree dies, it decomposes relatively quickly, leaving no trace behind. But occasionally, a tree may fall into a river or be swept away in a flood. When this happens there is a chance that the tree may be quickly covered with fine-grained sedimentary materials, such as clay or ash. As the wood decomposes, its outer structure is preserved and replaced by various silica minerals found in the sediment, usually Chalcedony, and occasionally Opal.

Depending on which trace minerals are in the silica, the Petrified Wood may take on a variety of colors, and may even be iridescent.  While any tree can potentially be fossilized, most Petrified Woods are a type of conifer tree, similar to modern Pine, Fir, and Redwood trees or a variety of palm wood.

Petrified Wood Healing Properties

Petrified Wood is a beautiful, unique stone believed to symbolize time and transformation. Once a living, breathing organism that existed millions of years ago, it was fossilized for eons until it became the prized crystal that countless people in the world sought out today. It can also mean resilience during moments of tribulation and trouble. Likewise, it’s also a stone of transformation. It can guide and heal you when there are upheavals and disruptive changes that are happening in your life.

Petrified wood is the universe’s way of saying that though things may change, others–the ones that matter the most–will remain constant. It means that amidst the turbulence, you will weather through the storm and be reborn anew.

Physical Healing Properties

Petrified wood is believed to aid in relieving pain related to the bones and muscles. It’s also helpful in healing inflammation and detoxifying the organs in our body. Furthermore, it can slow down the aging process. Remember though that crystals should only serve as a complementary form of healing. Always prioritize seeking medical attention first for any signs and symptoms of an illness. Here are the benefits of keeping a petrified wood with you:

  • Cells - Petrified wood works at a cellular level by pouring out loving, healing energy to your cells. It helps heal cellular damage brought by radiation and all forms of electronic smog. It may also aid in cell regeneration. As we age, cell regeneration declines, and petrified wood may help slow down aging which can contribute to a longer and healthier life.

  • DNA - It can also help resolve issues stored within your DNA. If you have genetic disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome (which can sometimes run in families), this stone can help you recover from such illnesses.

  • Skeletal System - It is also beneficial for the skeletal system. Petrified stone is believed to heal hip and back problems, strengthen the bones, and support the spine. It also prevents calcification and disintegration of the bones.

  • Inflammation - If you are suffering from rheumatism and arthritis, this stone will help relieve the pain and aid you during your recovery.

  • Organs - The stone also promotes healthy organs and helps in removing toxins. It can help our liver and gall bladder.

  • Nervous System - This stone is said to improve memory and support the brain’s functions.

  • Respiratory System - This crystal is also believed to promote healthy lungs and respiratory systems.

  • Circadian Rhythm - If you have problematic sleep patterns, this crystal can aid in promoting a good night’s rest.

Emotional Healing Properties

Petrified wood brings tranquility and harmony not only to oneself but to everyone around you. This is why petrified wood isn’t only good as a meditation stone or worn as jewelry, but it can also serve as a beautiful and beneficial ornament around the house. It calms down chaotic energy, diffuses anger, and promotes peace in the home. Here’s the list of the emotional benefits that can come from petrified wood:

  • Calming - The petrified wood’s calming energy can bring peace and serenity to a person. It can help you sort out your emotions, especially in dealing with survival-based fears.

  • Insight - Sometimes, we feel angry and scared because we have problems that either we don’t exactly know what or we have no idea how to resolve. Petrified wood gives us the wisdom to help us realize the root of our troubles so we may address them properly. With its tender wisdom and knowledge, we may be able to solve emotional issues.

  • Patience - This stone promotes our ability to tolerate delay and wait. It reminds us that good things can sometimes take time.

  • Stability - This crystal has a strong connection to the earth, given that it was first a tree then the earth turned it into a part of itself. It helps us stay rooted and grounded.

  • Bravery - Petrified wood can help us become courageous enough to take risks. It also instills wisdom in us that to love and achieve our dreams, we must be brave to embrace uncertainty. If fear is constantly holding you back, use petrified wood to calm you down and give you fortitude and determination.

Metaphysical Healing Properties

Petrified wood is also known for its metaphysical uses. It can help heal traumas and wounds we have carried over from our past lives. If there are unresolved issues that we had during our previous existence in this world, this ancient stone can help us face them bravely and resolve them with wisdom. It’s also believed to facilitate a connection to the higher realms, and may even help you open the Akashic records, which might prove helpful if you are trying to resolve past life issues. Here are the best spiritual uses of this stone:

  • Past Life - It can help us connect to our past lives and know who we were previously. It may help you know what spiritual wounds or karmic debt you are carrying with you, so you may be able to address them in this lifetime. Fears, memories, or inclinations you can’t explain might be residue from your past life, and it’s time to deal with them so you can finally move on.

  • Relationships - It can help us with our relationships in many ways. It releases us from anger, fear, and anxiety about our connections with people. It helps us become more courageous and willing to take risks. It instills harmony in our home and in many places where we spend time with people important to us.

  • PTSD - Not only is petrified wood good for dealing with traumas from our past lives, but it can also help us resolve those that we acquired during this lifetime. If you have unresolved childhood traumas, meditating with petrified stone might help you attain inner peace.

  • Transition - This stone is extremely helpful and beneficial to have around in times of transition. If you are moving into a new home, getting a new job, or transferring into another school, this stone can help you feel at ease and safe in your new surroundings.

  • Grounding - Petrified wood has strong grounding energy. It helps you feel centered and connected to the earth.

  • Spiritual Realms - This crystal may aid us in connecting to higher realms. It can be utilized to open the Akashic records as well as communicate with spiritual beings.

  • Akashic Records - Since this stone is helpful for opening higher dimensions, it can also be used for accessing the Akashic records. If there are questions that you need answers to, especially ones regarding your past lives or perhaps ancient civilizations, petrified wood can help you find the truth you seek.

  • Nature - Petrified wood is a stone that helps in healing the Earth. If you’re a gardener or one who works for the environment, petrified stone can be your guide. It has the strong energy of the Earth. This is also great if you live in a city, to help you feel closer to nature. It’s also believed to help stabilize the house you live in, especially if you reside in one with structural problems.

  • Good Fortune - Petrified wood is believed by many to bring abundance and prosperity. It can aid someone who’s running a business and bring them good fortune.

  • Wisdom - As a crystal that witnessed the changes of this planet for millions of years, petrified wood offers wisdom and knowledge. The stone can act as your mentor as you walk through this world and during your spiritual journey.

  • Spirits - Because of this crystal’s close association with Earth and nature, it’s believed to have the ability to communicate with spirits. Dryads, fairies, and other nature spirits can reveal themselves to you with this stone.

Petrified Wood Chakras

Petrified wood connects strongly with the third-eye chakra and the root chakra. Here are what you may experience when you meditate with this crystal:

Third-Eye Chakra

The third-eye chakra is the home of your intuition and insight. It’s also where you can receive psychic energies and messages from your spirit guides. With this chakra opened, you will feel more intuitive and aware of your psychic processes. You will also have more lucid thoughts and ideas. It also activates the imagination.

Root & Earth Chakra

Petrified Wood is a stone that can be used to open and energize the chakras. The wood can help to connect us with the Earth and with the natural world, and it can be used to heal the body and mind. The spiritual properties of Petrified Wood make it the perfect stone for use in Chakra healing. The wood can help to connect us with the Earth and with the natural world, and it can be used to heal the body and mind. The chakra of Petrified Wood is the root chakra. The wood can help to connect us with the Earth and with the natural world, and it can be used to heal the body and mind. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, and it is associated with our connection to the Earth. The root chakra helps us to ground ourselves in the physical world, and it is responsible for our survival instincts. It is also associated with our sense of security and safety. The spiritual properties of Petrified Wood make it the perfect stone for use in Chakra healing. The wood can help to connect us with the Earth and with the natural world, and it can be used to heal the

Using Petrified Wood

Petrified wood has innumerable uses and benefits. Because of its high versatility, it can be used as jewelry and ornament. Decorative pieces from petrified wood range from clock faces to tabletops. Having one sitting on your shelf, table, or kitchen counter is also a great choice.

More importantly perhaps is that petrified wood is believed to have many benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

It’s said to be helpful for people who are stuck in time, who have a hard time letting go of the past, or self-restriction that no longer serves them. If you limit yourself to the rules of the past, then it may impede your growth. Similarly, if there are traumatic experiences that caused you to fear change and progress, this crystal can be a gentle reminder that all things will come to pass. Old things will be replaced by new, and yet these are necessary for our spiritual evolution.

As jewelry, it can be worn to stabilize emotions and bring calmness to your mind. Vexations to the mind are an everyday occurrence, and this crystal can act as a support to keep our inner peace.

As an ornament, it can be placed inside the house as a decoration to bring harmony to your home. It can quell disputes, calm anger, and relieve anxiety.

Outside the house, it can also serve to attract vibrations from earth and nature. As a stone that has lived through the ages, it reminds us of the past when nature reigns all. It helps us remember that there are things larger than ourselves, our worries and fears. If you feel disconnected from nature and the environment, this stone can help you reconnect and replenish your soul.

As healing crystals, it has benefits for the bones, the cells, and other systems of our body. It also can heal deep emotional and spiritual wounds that we may have carried over from our past lives. Moreover, it’s a great grounding stone that can be of enormous help to you during meditation and even when trying to access higher realms.

Clearing and Charging

Cleansing your petrified wood is essential to keep it free from negative energy. In cleansing your crystal, avoid using soap because it might damage the stone. Here are some of the most effective ways to purify your petrified stone and charge it:

Running Water

Holding a stone in running water for about a minute each can both cleanse and charge many hard stones. Access to a natural spring is always best, but faucets also work as long as the stone can be completely submerged. You can also place them in a fountain to allow the water to run over the stones. Dry with a soft cloth when you remove the stone from the water.


Smudging your stones will immediately remove negative energies, so it is important to open a window for them to leave if you are cleansing your crystals indoors. Simply light either used bundled or loose sage with a match then blow out the flame to produce smoke. Wave the stone through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds to clear bad vibrations. Ensure you use a fire-safe bowl or plate for safety.


While the sun can charge your stones very quickly, you will want to remove the stone from the sun after an hour or two as the sun could discolor your crystals (even those that are sun-safe). You can set your stone outside or on a windowsill to absorb the powerful energy from the heavens. The time you need to charge your crystals will vary, but they can often be ready in just a few minutes.

Full Moon

Cleansing your stones with the full moon is an excellent way to remove negativity. At twilight, place your crystals on a windowsill or a place where they will be able to absorb the light of the moon (and its vibrations). Remove the stone the following morning before the sun gets too high into the sky. You can also place several stones on a grid to charge with a specific intention.


Returning your crystals to the earth can refill them with energy, renewing them. Dig a hole in the earth and place a plate in the soil. Cover the plate slightly, then place the stones on top. Bury the stones and mark the place on the surface where you know where to dig. A week later, carefully remove the topsoil and remove the stones. If you reach the plate, you know you have gone too far and you may have dug up the stone.

Crystal Charger

There are many tools that can help charge your crystals. Whether you use a pyramid, large selenite plates or bowls, or grids, you can enhance the powers of your stones as you charge them. As with other methods, you should set an intention when placing your stones on a crystal charger.


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